Frank Yiannas is featured on Food Safety Matters' webinar. Frank begins speaking at the 10 minute mark and discusses the New Era of Food Safety Initiative and the relation of FSMA, as well as traceability technologies and the future of food safety.
FDA Announces "New Era of Smarter Food": Here's what it means to you
"Tech-enabled traceability is going to allow us to respond to outbreaks very early, protect people from getting ill, limiting the epi curve and also strengthening our ability to do root cause analysis," Frank Yiannis, FDA Deputy Commissioner for Food Policy and Response.
The way people get food is rapidly changing. With that, the FDA is moving towards a transparent and digital traceability system to protect consumers.
"I think (end to end traceability) is inevitable. I think the idea of a world in the future where foods can not be tracked and traced is not realistic....The food system will become end to end digitized," says Mr. Yiannis.
To learn more about the FDA's New Era of Food Safety, visit their website.